Self-discovery is like collecting breadcrumbs
If you are unsure about your path in life, consider collecting breadcrumbs Hänsel & Gretel style. This is an analogy I often use with clients. Imagine you are on a path where you discover things about yourself. Each time you do, it comes in the form of a breadcrumb. The breadcrumbs lead the way to […]
Coming Home to Yourself with Kate Marolt
Squeal! I am so excited to introduce you to one of my dear friends today, Kate Marolt. She is a coach and yoga teacher, and as far as I can tell, her magic superpower is infusing adventure into the lives of everyone she meets. She inspired me to do a few crazy things – such […]
Intuition 101 with Natalia Chouklina
When we start listening to our intuition, we sense that it could become our secret weapon to making choices in life, always by our side, whispering about what we really want. But when we start tuning in to see what we can hear, it’s often crickets in the beginning, or we feel unsure if what […]
How to make a decision without asking everybody & their mother for their opinion
You’ve been sailing along smoothly for a while. You didn’t have it all figured out, but your baby steps were taking you somewhere, you could just feel it in your bones. And then without warning, anxiety pops on over and pulls up a chair. You wake up one morning feeling a little confused. There’s this […]
That nagging feeling inside
There comes a point when we just get tired of toning down, playing small and living by the rules. At some point on our Wild Woman journeys, we start to question some of the deepest things we took for granted in our lives – like why we’re in a relationship with that man, or climbing […]
Lost touch with your intuition? Here’s a rescue remedy for you.
When we’re out there working towards our dreams, our intuition can be the secret weapon that makes the difference between feeling lost & confused and knowing that even though we’re scared, we can trust ourselves to know what’s next. Sometimes though, we can lose touch with our intuition. We’re about to make a big decision, […]