Nadia Munla Interview Pic 2

Nadia Munla is one of those women where you can tell that she’s living in her body. I met her in January last year, and we promptly ended up in a conversation about hormones, health & sexuality.

She also whipped up a quick dinner that made me fall in love with Brussels sprouts. So after that, I knew she was special.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me properly introduce her to you:

Nadia Munla is a health and sensuality coach and founder of The Pleasure Plate. She works with her clients around eating healthy in a way that still tastes good and honors what works for you.

She also appears to be a walking encyclopedia of healthy tips and tricks. Tell her what you’re suffering from and she’ll give you a simple food or lifestyle tweak you can make to help with it.

When I sat down to interview her for you guys, I knew we were in for a treat.

Here are some of the highlights of our conversation:

Listen to our conversation below:

If you liked what we talked about in the interview, I think you’ll enjoy these articles Nadia wrote. Those are some of my favorites:

If you want to learn more you can find Nadia over at The Pleasure Plate.

She is also hosting a free webinar on the 24th of March called Healing Your Feminine Body. I can say that it will likely be very awesome. She’ll talk about all the tips and tricks she shares with her clients on healing the more embarrassing and unsexy health conditions we don’t like to talk about.

From working with Nadia myself I can say that her tips are always right on point and super useful, so I highly recommend you check it out if it resonates with you.

Is there pleasure on your plate or is it more of a deprivation game? What was your favorite take away from the interview?

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